Dreams Inc raised $1040 for Charity!
Yes, we set up a booth at Kampong Senang's Holistic Health Fair and sold Fibre Plus for $10 (includes FREE shaker and 5 sachets of FP) . And we managed to sell 104 sets of that in just one day! Sharon even managed to close one TP on the spot, just like that! ;) (We heard the day before they onli managed to sell 5 sets. Even the following day, the team that was there onli managed to sell half of wat we sold.)
Preperation work started a few days before where all the Dreams Inc team members got together to brainstorm our strategies. Ah Boon and Sharon who have been to the place for a lookout offered many suggestions and Boon and Melvin were made leaders of two seperate teams.
The night before, Angel and Max started last min preperation of all the marketing materials and the survey forms. These two superheroes actually prepared till 5am in the morning... and after sleeping for about two hours, everyone finally gathered and started at 8.30 in the morning.
THough initially many were shy.. after a while, we started to warm up and sales started to increase dramatically. The following people were given the following titles:
Top Sales: Jas Lim (who joined us onli at noon but managed to sell the most number of sets)
Uncle Sat Sao: Jas Lim (one uncle refused to buy from us but loved her so much he wanted to intro his son to her!!!)
Uncle Sat Sao 2: Clari (who managed to hit target and complete 20 survey forms)
Ah Lian's fav: Thomas whose charm will cause Ah Lian's knees to go weak in the knees
Gay Lou's Fav: Melvin (who managed to attract a group of gays even though his wife was nearby watching him)
Young boys and girl's Fav: Who else would that be but our very young, fair and sauve, Edmund
Best Jester: Bobby.. who was bravely carrying photos of his before photos and creating alot of awareness for the team...
Most well-prepared: Sylvia. Though she is not very involved in our biz.. she managed to answer ANY question tat the customers throw to her.. including wat is inside FP (I think most pple dunno) and wat is Kampong SEnang all about.
Most versatile: Zhenyuan cos she anyone also can.. Uncle, AUnty, Little girls.. you name it.. she can sell to them ;)
Born Saleswoman: That would go to Germaine.. who after having arrived.. was just wearing her shades.. minding her own biz n eating her ice cream when an aunty approached her and she just sold two sets like tat! We joked that maybe the aunty tot she is blind.. hahha ;)
Most Kind-hearted: Albert.. cos he actually had the patience to listen to AH Hao (the killer of Huang Na)'s Dad pour his grievances for about 30 min!
Best Teamwork: Zhenyuan and Rebecca for their formidable sister team where ZY would approach the person and Rebec would do the surveys.
Well, we are intending to do this again and this time round, we would like to raise funds for the Children's Foundation. If you are keen to help, please email to Angel at
verityy@yahoo.comBack to