Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Love! Fund

Dear friend,

If you haven't been reading your emails, it would be little wonder that you are not in touch with Dreams Inc's latest pet project- LOVE Fund started in January.

As we have decided to help the world a little more by spreading more love through action rather than words, we have founded the LOVE! Fund.

The fund is pooled together by all Dreams Inc warriors so that we could send more love to the less priviledged. We have decided to donate a portion of our earnings from WBG to this fund and our aim is to sponsor 50 kids by the end of this year.

If you are interested, you could contact our LOVE captain, Angel (, and indicate how much you would like to contribute.

As this is a collective effort by a group of good friends and while we try to make this as transparent as possible, please note that we are not some official charity organisation. We band together for this project based on trust and LOVE Captains, Angel and Melvin, will ensure that the accounts is in good order.

We also have a LOVE treasurer (thanks so much, babe- Jas) and a LOVE ambassador (please give warm round of applause to our hardworking ambassador, Rebecca) to take care of both the financial and liason matters.

All LOVE sponsors are welcomed. YOU may opt either for a monthly commitment or just a one time donation will do as well.

Currently, all our sponsors are done from Children's International as we would like to use the same pool of money to help more children. We chose children because we always felt that all children are children of god and deserve a beautiful future.. whether they think so or not ;)

By contributing a little bit of our income every month, we could actually help develop more children into happy, healthy adults ;)

Many thanks to our LOVE sponsors.. may you have a blessed year ahead and may you be filled with joy and abundance!

You can check out our LOVE kids HERE.

Your Love Captain- Angel

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