Sunday, July 01, 2007

Albert's Dizzy Spells

I have started doing detox and taking the HUNZA health foods since the end of November 2005.

For me, I did not really have much health problems or needs. I have a good body weight, good skin and even when I went for my health screening, I would get perfect scores.

Just before I started on the detox though, I was beginning to suffer from dizzy spells.

They would come on and off throughout the day. But since I could still continue with my work, I did not bother about it much.

But as the days turned into months, I started to started to get concerned. Because of that, I was convinced that I really needed to detox my body when I heard about how it worked from Angel.

During detox, I monitored my diet and reduced meat intake and consumed more fruits and vegetables like Angel advised.

Even without meaning to lose weight, in four months though, I lost 4kg altogether. I was very happy with this result as I felt fitter and lighter as a result.

The most important thing is that without my realizing, my dizzy spells were gone completely and I did not even realize that I was no longer suffering from them!

For more info about the detox, please email Angel at

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