Saturday, July 28, 2007

Evelyn lost 6kg And Regained Better Health

I have a bad knee and it was starting to hurt really bad when I walk, coupled with the breathlessness and the amount of perspiration, being an active person, this really is starting to get to me. I got grumpy and was easily irritated at home and at work.

Then I started to feel more and more lethargic and started to get getting really worried about my health. My bad knee has been aching more and more frequently and the my doctor said I had to lose weight so as to lessen the burden on them.

And so, I started to actively look out for ways to lose weight, slimming centres are out, as I believe that health comes from within, what we consume. Thus started my search on the Internet.

Amazed By Dreams Inc's Blog
I came across Angel's method of losing weight via the detox through the Dreams Inc blog and was really amazed at her personal testimonial. I then contacted her and made an appointment to see her.

After listening to her explain about the detox and how it can help me, I made a decision then to improve my health and my life.

Lost 6kg in slightly over a month
Within a month of doing the detox, I lost about 6kg in total.

Not only that, I felt much more energized and instead of feeling tired all the time, I felt more clear-headed and was able to concentrate better.

After I lost this weight, my knee pain started to slowly disappear and as a result, I am less frustrated and irritable, Not only that, my confidence level and my mood has improved tremendously as well as I start to feel my clothing becoming looser and fitting better.
I enjoy this feeling and because I have benefited so much from them, I have decided to continue on the health foods despite hitting my weight target.

Thanks, Angel! Thanks, Dreams Inc!

If you would like to slim down and improve your health like Evelyn, contact Angel at to find out more.

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